Will My Lover Return? How To Ask A Psychic About Lost Loves

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Written by: Amber Brinnier
March 29, 2022
Love Coming Back

There are only two and a half outcomes to any relationship. You either stay together, or you break up. What’s the half? You break up, and get back together…this isn’t a third thing because even from here, you still only have the other two options.

In today’s world, we have an unprecedented amount of access to other people. This has made the world of romantic relationships a little rockier, because we see what seems to be an unlimited sea of options before us, and even when we meet somebody we like, can sometimes be reluctant to commit, because what if there’s someone even better out there?

That’s why when you do commit to somebody, and then you break up, it can be such a blow. In the psychic reading community, one of the most popular questions psychics can get is this: “Will my lover return?”

Who should I turn to? 

If you’re thinking about going to a psychic with this question, it can be a good idea to figure out which psychic reading method will be best for the answers you want.

The way to go about figuring this out is to ask yourself what your goal is when going to a psychic with this question. It is often more complicated than simply just asking if you and your ex will get back together. Let’s take a look at the questions you might think of asking, and what kind of method might work best for you.

First and Foremost!!!

When you have questions that pertain to the actions or motivations of another person, it is always best practice to go to that person with any questions. If you are thinking of asking a psychic about another person’s motivations or actions, whether it be because you don’t feel safe or comfortable asking the person, or are unsure of a positive response, it is time to rethink your relationship in the first place.

You should always feel safe going to your partner with any communication, even if there is conflict between you. If you are worried that speaking your mind or asking for clarification is going to result in an argument or a negative response – to the point that you are seeking psychic help – this is most likely not a relationship that is going to be healthy or make you happy in the long run.

Asking questions about somebody else’s motivations can also be a violation of their boundaries. Questions you have for a psychic about your love life and whether you will reconcile with a partner should always be “I” questions; what is it that you can do in this situation?

When should I consult a psychic? 

It’s always best to consult a psychic about relationship matters after you have processed the emotions of your breakup, and not in the heat of the moment. With all of the heightened emotional energy in your energetic field, the psychic might not be able to get an accurate reading of your situation.

A week or two after the breakup, when you have had time to process, is the best time to consult a psychic if you are still intent on reconciliation rather than moving on.

Spend some time researching the best online psychic sites/networks, to be sure that you get the best possible advice. There are many different psychic networks out there, and it can be overwhelming to choose, so many people go to the first person who pops up on the first network they search for, and end up with less than stellar advice. The extra time you spend doing research for a psychic network and advisor could be the difference between anxiety and peace of mind.

How long should I wait?

If your partner has asked for some time to figure things out on their own, it can be frustrating. You want them to be their own, complete person outside of your relationship, but you also don’t want to be left twisting in the wind.

If you’ve asked them how long they think it will take and they’re unable to give you a timeframe, that doesn’t mean you need to give up hope. You might want to consult an astrologer to give you a timeframe that is reasonable for you to wait.

Don’t let them keep you waiting indefinitely – you are a factor in this relationship as well. Once you have been given a timeframe, if it is agreeable to you, let them know that if they are not ready to resume your relationship, you are going to move on.

Should I wait at all?

Breakups happen for a reason. Most of the time, the reason is a valid one, and those who are broken up should stay broken up. Before going to a psychic to ask about a reconciliation, ask yourself if you truly want to be with somebody who has decided that they are okay with moving forward in life without you by their side.

In the case that a breakup might have happened erroneously, your feelings are overwhelming, or you are just curious, a love psychic could help you find your answers. Love psychics use a variety of methods of psychic reading, including clairvoyance, mediumship, energy reading, or tools like oracle cards, to ascertain your situation.

The love psychic will give you a compassionate reading that will give you a clearer picture on whether you should be moving on, or whether there is some promise of you reconciling further down the road.

What can I do in the meantime?

If you are feeling at a loss of what to do while mourning a relationship, and wondering what it is you could be doing instead of pining away for them, a tarot reading could provide the answers you are looking for.

Tarot readings are great for clarifying the big picture surrounding a situation and providing answers to questions of focus and intention. Many of the cards in the tarot speak to love and partnerships, grief and loss, and all the other messy emotions that come along with breakups and picking up the pieces afterwards.

Final Thoughts

Breakups can be hard, but sometimes they are necessary. If you’re looking for honest answers about the state of your relationship after a breakup, we have a list of the best psychic reading sites for love psychics, tarot readings, and more, to find the answers.

With time, comes healing. When you speak with a psychic about your returning lover, they might see them returning – or they might even see somebody better coming along! You won’t know until you ask!

Amber Brinnier
Amber Brinnier

A tarot reader, astrologer, and witch. She is a guest on the land of the Cowlitz and Clackamas nations, so-called Portland, OR. Amber was gifted her first tarot deck at the age of 10, and has been studying ever since. She is a graduate of the Portland School of Astrology, the only full-term astrology school in the country. When not reading tarot and astrology, she is a production assistant for an elevated wellness company. She is an indie perfume and scented candle enthusiast, and in her free time enjoys playing ukulele, waterfall hiking and creek-jumping, hanging out with her black cat, Winnie, and napping. She is currently trying to perfect the art of doing absolutely nothing.


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