Can Psychic Abilities Be Inherited Through Generations?

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Written by: Amber Brinnier
August 2, 2022
A psychic Reader with a Glowing Crystal Ball

There are many ways to manifest the gift of psychic abilities. Many people who possess psychic abilities are one in a long line of many generations of psychics. Even if their ancestors didn’t work as psychic readers or use their psychic abilities, the gift stayed in the bloodline and was passed on down to subsequent generations through their progeny.

These abilities can manifest in different ways – such as skipping a generation, or manifesting in an aunt or uncle, rather than the psychic’s parent. It can be difficult to know where these abilities began, due to religious prevalence and the danger of showing such abilities in archaic times. Now that psychic abilities and gifts are becoming more accepted, many people might have psychics in their past who never made any mention of it.

The truth is, almost everybody is born with the ability to develop psychic gifts, but due to upbringing, prejudice, or other factors, the abilities are hidden, waiting to be unearthed. Others are born with the abilities and an open mind, and thus their abilities manifested early on in life. Most people who work as psychics today have been developing these gifts since childhood, and many of them come from a long line of seers.

Let’s take a look at how psychic abilities can manifest over time, and where they might come from.

Ancestral Psychic Ability

There are a few ways that ancestral psychic ability can manifest itself, through genetics. Here are the most common.

Maternal Lineage

If there is a long unbroken line of strong psychic abilities present in a family, most of the time the abilities have been passed down through the maternal lineage. There’s actually a scientific reason for this; mitochondrial DNA is, except in rare situations, only passed down through the maternal line. If psychic ability is a genetic variation, then it is most commonly passed down from the birth-giver to the child, while other traits, such as mental health, eye color, and height, are more often passed down from the father.

Paternal Lineage

Like many visible traits, psychic abilities can also be passed down from the father to the child, especially if the father’s mother had psychic abilities. It has been difficult to study paternal lineages of hereditary psychic ability, because men tend to prescribe to a more “logical” way of thinking, and any kind of inherent ability is explained away through logical means, or downright ignored, whereas women are seen as more intuitive and witchy altogether.

Luckily, such arbitrary gender assignments of ability are being done away with, and men are able to feel more comfortable tapping into their inherent psychic abilities, no matter where they have been passed from.

Skipped Generations

Many times, psychic abilities will skip a generation, or manifest in a second-degree relative, rather than immediate family, ie. A woman’s psychic ability passed down to her daughter, whose sister’s child then exhibited it in the next generation. This is especially common if the daughter with the ability has no children, or has children with someone whose psychic ability is especially repressed throughout generations. This phenomenon has been seen with non-psychic abilities or traits as well, like migraine headaches or red hair, through recessive genes (which aren’t actually skipped, just hidden).

Innate Psychic Ability

Some people have exhibited psychic abilities without anyone in their family sharing them, to their knowledge. There are a few ways this might manifest.

Astrological Aptitude

There are a few astrological signifiers in a person’s chart that would predispose them to psychic powers, or the ability to develop these powers more quickly and organically than some others might. Those who have charts that are heavy in water signs – Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces – are naturally more gifted when it comes to psychic abilities. If their Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury, Jupiter, or Neptune are placed in these signs, their psychic gifts could be much more prominent.

Additionally, if they have heavy sign placements in the 12th House, regardless of element, although of course, the 12th House being in a water sign would result in even more enhanced ability, they could possess a strong psychic gift.

Can you develop late in life?

Most people who practice their psychic abilities for a living have been developing them since their early ages. Others, especially those who have grown up in a religious lifestyle, might have unexplained psychic ability that they were unable to pursue and have been repressing, but are trying to embrace in later life.

While it’s possible to develop this skill late in life, like anything, it becomes a practice. If you wish to develop these abilities, reaching out to practicing psychics who can verify your gift and guide you is a great idea.

Innate, or unknown ancestor?

How are we to know that these gifts are innate, though? Until recently it has been relatively taboo to admit to gifts that are supernatural in nature, like psychic ability or mediumship. Those with psychic abilities that seemingly come from nowhere just might have someone in their family, many generations past, who possessed these gifts as well, and by developing them, are doing something that person felt it too dangerous to do, thus in some way healing a generational wound that has been passed down, and opening up a whole new world to any future progeny.

Final Thoughts

Those who possess an aptitude for psychic abilities often have had them passed down through their ancestors, but most of us have the ability to develop this psychic muscle. For many, though, the window has closed on developing their own psychic ability to a certain level.

When you’re in need of answers from a psychic, instead of working for years to develop this ability yourself, you can reach out to a hereditary psychic for a psychic reading. You can get your questions answered on any topic, or you could even enlist the help of a psychic to tap into your own abilities. The possibilities are endless!

Amber Brinnier
Amber Brinnier

A tarot reader, astrologer, and witch. She is a guest on the land of the Cowlitz and Clackamas nations, so-called Portland, OR. Amber was gifted her first tarot deck at the age of 10, and has been studying ever since. She is a graduate of the Portland School of Astrology, the only full-term astrology school in the country. When not reading tarot and astrology, she is a production assistant for an elevated wellness company. She is an indie perfume and scented candle enthusiast, and in her free time enjoys playing ukulele, waterfall hiking and creek-jumping, hanging out with her black cat, Winnie, and napping. She is currently trying to perfect the art of doing absolutely nothing.


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